Department of Agriculture

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Mission Statement –

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.

We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation’s natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands.

Discussion –

The U.S. Department of Agriculture does important work, but it is also the poster child for work that would be better carried out by the States themselves. While all States have some level of agriculture and certainly have natural resources, there is significant variation from State to State. People in Washington, D.C. should not be deciding what is ‘best’ for rural America to thrive. And what is best for rural New York State may not be best for rural Arkansas.

One exception is the U.S. Forest Service, which is certainly a Federal responsibility as it governs and manages Federal lands. However, this agency should be part of, and we propose moving it to, the Department of the Interior.

Another is food inspection and standardization. To the extent that food moves in inter-state commerce, these are Federal responsibilities, so these duties should be moved to the Department of Interstate Commerce.

USDA’s SNAP Program is another example of the Federal Government acting as a middle-man but providing no real benefit. The Federal Government taxes the people in order to provide money to the States to provide an important benefit. But the States are perfectly capable of collecting and distributing these funds themselves. And doing so would provide the added benefit of spending the money in the ways best suited for each respective State and its citizens.


Current Budget$150,125,000,000.00
Proposed Budget$5,672,000,000.00 *

* Remaining functions transferred to other departments.

Bureau NameAccount NameSubfunction Title2019 BudgetProposed
Agricultural Marketing ServiceExpenses and Refunds, Inspection and Grading of Farm ProductsAgricultural research and services$176,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceFee Funded Inspection, Weighing, and Examination ServicesAgricultural research and services$8,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceFunds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply (section 32)Food and nutrition assistance$46,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceFunds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply (section 32)Food and nutrition assistance$843,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceMarketing ServicesAgricultural research and services$23,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceMarketing ServicesAgricultural research and services$148,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServicePayments to States and PossessionsAgricultural research and services-$8,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServicePayments to States and PossessionsAgricultural research and services$1,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServicePayments to States and PossessionsAgricultural research and services$73,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServicePerishable Agricultural Commodities Act FundAgricultural research and services$11,000,000$0
Agricultural Marketing ServiceSalaries and ExpensesAgricultural research and services$2,000,000$0
Agricultural Research ServiceBuildings and FacilitiesAgricultural research and services$39,000,000$0
Agricultural Research ServiceMiscellaneous Contributed FundsAgricultural research and services$20,000,000$0
Agricultural Research ServiceSalaries and ExpensesAgricultural research and services$1,149,000,000$0
Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceBuildings and FacilitiesAgricultural research and services$4,000,000$0
Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceMiscellaneous Trust FundsAgricultural research and services$9,000,000$0
Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceSalaries and ExpensesAgricultural research and services$304,000,000$0
Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceSalaries and ExpensesAgricultural research and services$986,000,000$0
Buildings and FacilitiesAgriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental PaymentsAgricultural research and services$65,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureAdministration of Rights-of-way and Other Land UsesConservation and land management-$2,000,000-$2,000,000
Department of AgricultureAgriculture Credit Insurance, Negative SubsidiesFarm income stabilization-$27,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureAll Other General Fund Proprietary Receipts Including Budget Clearing AccountsDeductions for offsetting receipts-$4,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureBiorefinery Assistance, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$18,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureCharges, User Fees, and Natural Resource Utilization, Land between the Lakes, Forest ServiceConservation and land management-$5,000,000-$5,000,000
Department of AgricultureCommodity Credit Corporation Export Guarantee Financing, Downward Reestimate of SubsidiesFarm income stabilization-$16,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureCommodity Credit Corporation Export Guarantee Financing, Negative SubsidiesFarm income stabilization-$6,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureDeposits of Fees, Inspection and Grading of Farm Products, AMSAgricultural research and services-$178,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureDeposits of Fees, Inspection and Grading of Farm Products, Food Safety and Quality ServiceAgricultural research and services-$15,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureDeposits of Miscellaneous Contributed Funds, APHISAgricultural research and services-$8,000,000-$8,000,000
Department of AgricultureDeposits of Miscellaneous Contributed Funds, Science and Education AdministrationAgricultural research and services-$18,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureDeposits, Acquisitions of Lands for National Forests, Special ActsConservation and land management-$1,000,000-$1,000,000
Department of AgricultureDeposits, Brush DisposalConservation and land management-$9,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureDownward Reestimates, Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband ProgramArea and regional development-$13,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureEarnings on Investments, Native American Institutions Endowment FundOther interest-$5,000,000-$5,000,000
Department of AgricultureEconomic Development Loans, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$2,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureFarm Storage Facility Loans, Downward Reestimate of SubsidiesFarm income stabilization-$1,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureForeign Service National Separation Liability Trust FundFederal employee retirement and disability-$5,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureForeign Service National Separation Liability Trust Fund, APHISFederal employee retirement and disability-$3,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureForest Service Cooperative FundConservation and land management-$323,000,000-$323,000,000
Department of AgricultureFunds Retained, Stewardship Contracting Product SalesConservation and land management-$26,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureGifts and Bequests, Departmental AdministrationAgricultural research and services-$1,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureLand Acquisition Proceeds for Exchanges, Acquisition of Lands to Complete Land ExchangesConservation and land management-$3,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureMidewin National Tallgrass Prairie Rental FeesConservation and land management-$1,000,000-$1,000,000
Department of AgricultureMiscellaneous Special Funds, Forest ServiceConservation and land management-$7,000,000-$7,000,000
Department of AgricultureMultifamily Housing Revitalization Fund, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesHousing assistance-$9,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureNational Forest FundConservation and land management-$20,000,000-$20,000,000
Department of AgricultureNational Forests FundConservation and land management$28,000,000$28,000,000
Department of AgricultureNational Forests Fund, Payments to StatesConservation and land management-$156,000,000-$156,000,000
Department of AgricultureNational GrasslandsConservation and land management-$112,000,000-$112,000,000
Department of AgricultureNational GrasslandsConservation and land management-$52,000,000-$52,000,000
Department of AgricultureNegative Subsidies, Farm Storage Facility LoansFarm income stabilization-$3,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureP.L. 480 Loan Program, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesFarm income stabilization-$22,000,000$0
Department of AgriculturePayment from Commodity Credit Corporation Fund, Emergency Citrus Disease Research and Development Trust FundAgricultural research and services-$25,000,000$0
Department of AgriculturePayments from General Fund, Wool Research, Development, and Promotion Trust FundAgricultural research and services-$2,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureReceipts, Cooperative Range ImprovementsConservation and land management-$3,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRecreational Fee Demonstration Program, Forest ServiceRecreational resources-$97,000,000-$97,000,000
Department of AgricultureRents and Charges for Quarters, Forest ServiceConservation and land management-$10,000,000-$10,000,000
Department of AgricultureRural Business and Industry, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$84,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Community Facility, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$43,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Community Facility, Negative SubsidiesArea and regional development-$88,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Development Loans, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$5,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Electrification and Telephone Loans, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesEnergy supply-$701,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Electrification and Telephone Loans, Negative SubsidiesEnergy supply-$185,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Energy for America Program, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesCommunity development-$11,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Housing Insurance, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesMortgage credit-$472,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Housing Insurance, Negative SubsidiesMortgage credit-$110,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Microenterprise Investment, Downward Reestimate of SubsidyArea and regional development-$3,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Telephone Bank Loans, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$1,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Water and Waste Disposal, Downward Reestimates of SubsidiesArea and regional development-$11,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureRural Water and Waste Disposal, Negative SubsidiesArea and regional development-$2,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureTimber Roads, Purchaser ElectionsConservation and land management-$2,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureTimber Sales Pipeline Restoration FundConservation and land management-$5,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureTimber Salvage SalesConservation and land management-$46,000,000$0
Department of AgricultureUndistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables from Cancelled AccountsDeductions for offsetting receipts-$155,000,000$0
Economic Research ServiceEconomic Research ServiceAgricultural research and services$82,000,000$0
Executive OperationsExecutive OperationsAgricultural research and services$1,000,000$0
Executive OperationsExecutive OperationsAgricultural research and services$181,000,000$0
Executive OperationsWorking Capital FundAgricultural research and services-$53,000,000$0
Farm Production and ConservationFarm Production and Conservation Business CenterFarm income stabilization$60,000,000$0
Farm Production and ConservationFarm Production and Conservation Business CenterFarm income stabilization$117,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyAgricultural Credit Insurance Fund Liquidating AccountFarm income stabilization-$40,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyAgricultural Credit Insurance Fund Program AccountFarm income stabilization$4,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyAgricultural Credit Insurance Fund Program AccountFarm income stabilization$370,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyAgriculture Wool Apparel Manufacturers Trust FundFarm income stabilization$27,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation Export Loans Program AccountFarm income stabilization$2,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation Export Loans Program AccountFarm income stabilization$7,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation FundConservation and land management$1,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation FundConservation and land management$1,903,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation FundFarm income stabilization$4,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyCommodity Credit Corporation FundFarm income stabilization$19,473,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyEmergency Conservation ProgramDisaster relief and insurance$75,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyEmergency Forest Restoration ProgramDisaster relief and insurance$1,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyFarm Storage Facility Loans Program AccountFarm income stabilization$27,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyGrassroots Source Water Protection ProgramConservation and land management$7,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyPima Agriculture Cotton Trust FundFarm income stabilization$15,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencySalaries and ExpensesFarm income stabilization$1,122,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyState Mediation GrantsFarm income stabilization$4,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyTobacco Trust FundFarm income stabilization$18,000,000$0
Farm Service AgencyUSDA Supplemental AssistanceFarm income stabilization$2,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceChild Nutrition ProgramsFood and nutrition assistance-$23,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceChild Nutrition ProgramsFood and nutrition assistance$49,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceChild Nutrition ProgramsFood and nutrition assistance$23,247,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceCommodity Assistance ProgramFood and nutrition assistance$19,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceCommodity Assistance ProgramFood and nutrition assistance$366,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceNutrition Programs AdministrationFood and nutrition assistance$148,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceSpecial Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)Food and nutrition assistance$5,314,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceSupplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramFood and nutrition assistance$1,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceSupplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramFood and nutrition assistance$7,100,000,000$0
Food and Nutrition ServiceSupplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramFood and nutrition assistance$56,365,000,000$0
Food Safety and Inspection ServiceExpenses and Refunds, Inspection and Grading of Farm ProductsAgricultural research and services$14,000,000$0
Food Safety and Inspection ServiceSalaries and ExpensesConsumer and occupational health and safety$52,000,000$0
Food Safety and Inspection ServiceSalaries and ExpensesConsumer and occupational health and safety$986,000,000$0
Foreign Agricultural ServiceExpenses, Public Law 480, Foreign Assistance Programs, Agriculture Liquidating AccountInternational development and humanitarian assistance-$227,000,000$0
Foreign Agricultural ServiceFood for Peace Title II GrantsInternational development and humanitarian assistance$1,620,000,000$0
Foreign Agricultural ServiceForeign Service National Separation Liability Trust FundFederal employee retirement and disability$1,000,000$0
Foreign Agricultural ServiceMcGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition ProgramInternational development and humanitarian assistance$128,000,000$0
Foreign Agricultural ServiceSalaries and ExpensesAgricultural research and services$198,000,000$0
Forest ServiceCapital Improvement and MaintenanceConservation and land management$434,000,000$434,000,000
Forest ServiceForest and Rangeland ResearchConservation and land management$298,000,000$298,000,000
Forest ServiceForest Service Permanent AppropriationsConservation and land management$101,000,000$101,000,000
Forest ServiceForest Service Permanent AppropriationsGeneral purpose fiscal assistance$278,000,000$278,000,000
Forest ServiceForest Service Permanent AppropriationsRecreational resources$98,000,000$98,000,000
Forest ServiceForest Service Trust FundsConservation and land management$108,000,000$108,000,000
Forest ServiceLand AcquisitionConservation and land management$5,000,000$5,000,000
Forest ServiceLand AcquisitionConservation and land management$44,000,000$44,000,000
Forest ServiceManagement of National Forest Lands for Subsistence UsesConservation and land management$2,000,000$2,000,000
Forest ServiceNational Forest SystemConservation and land management$1,849,000,000$1,849,000,000
Forest ServiceRange Betterment FundConservation and land management$3,000,000$3,000,000
Forest ServiceState and Private ForestryConservation and land management$58,000,000$58,000,000
Forest ServiceState and Private ForestryConservation and land management$163,000,000$163,000,000
Forest ServiceStewardship Contracting Product SalesConservation and land management$18,000,000$18,000,000
Forest ServiceWildland Fire ManagementConservation and land management$3,002,000,000$3,002,000,000
Forest ServiceWorking Capital FundConservation and land management-$18,000,000-$18,000,000
National Agricultural Statistics ServiceNational Agricultural Statistics ServiceAgricultural research and services$170,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureBiomass Research and DevelopmentEnergy supply$2,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureExtension ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$33,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureExtension ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$46,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureExtension ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$453,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureIntegrated ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$34,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureIntegrated ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$93,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureResearch and Education ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$297,000,000$0
National Institute of Food and AgricultureResearch and Education ActivitiesAgricultural research and services$446,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceFarm Security and Rural Investment ProgramsConservation and land management$3,085,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServicePrivate Lands Conservation OperationsConservation and land management$740,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWater Bank ProgramConservation and land management$3,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWatershed and Flood Prevention OperationsWater resources$34,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWatershed and Flood Prevention OperationsWater resources$122,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWatershed Rehabilitation ProgramWater resources-$9,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWatershed Rehabilitation ProgramWater resources$19,000,000$0
Natural Resources Conservation ServiceWatershed Rehabilitation ProgramWater resources$23,000,000$0
Office of Inspector GeneralOffice of Inspector GeneralAgricultural research and services$90,000,000$0
Office of the SecretaryGifts and BequestsAgricultural research and services$1,000,000$0
Office of the SecretaryOffice of the SecretaryAgricultural research and services$11,000,000$0
Office of the SecretaryOffice of the SecretaryAgricultural research and services$505,000,000$0
Risk Management AgencyFederal Crop Insurance Corporation FundFarm income stabilization$11,926,000,000$0
Risk Management AgencyRMA Salaries and ExpensesFarm income stabilization$68,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceEnergy Assistance PaymentsArea and regional development$9,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceIntermediary Relending Program Fund AccountArea and regional development$9,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Business Investment Program AccountArea and regional development$6,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Business Program AccountArea and regional development$23,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Business Program AccountArea and regional development$65,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Cooperative Development GrantsArea and regional development$12,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Cooperative Development GrantsArea and regional development$25,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Development Loan Fund Liquidating AccountArea and regional development-$2,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Economic Development GrantsArea and regional development-$215,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Economic Development Loans Program AccountArea and regional development$1,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Energy for America ProgramCommunity development$42,000,000$0
Rural Business-Cooperative ServiceRural Microentrepreneur Assistance ProgramArea and regional development$3,000,000$0
Rural DevelopmentSalaries and ExpensesArea and regional development$1,000,000$0
Rural DevelopmentSalaries and ExpensesArea and regional development$197,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceMultifamily Housing Revitalization Program AccountHousing assistance$6,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceMultifamily Housing Revitalization Program AccountHousing assistance$43,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceMutual and Self-help Housing GrantsHousing assistance$31,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRental Assistance ProgramHousing assistance$1,193,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Community Facilities Program AccountArea and regional development$48,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Community Facilities Program AccountArea and regional development$174,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Housing Assistance GrantsHousing assistance$29,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Housing Insurance Fund Liquidating AccountMortgage credit-$458,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Housing Insurance Fund Program AccountMortgage credit$179,000,000$0
Rural Housing ServiceRural Housing Insurance Fund Program AccountMortgage credit$500,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceDistance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband ProgramArea and regional development-$86,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceDistance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband ProgramArea and regional development$100,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceDistance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband ProgramArea and regional development$147,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceHigh Energy Cost GrantsArea and regional development$17,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Development Insurance Fund Liquidating AccountArea and regional development-$62,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Electrification and Telecommunications Liquidating AccountEnergy supply$1,920,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Electrification and Telecommunications Loans Program AccountEnergy supply$33,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Electrification and Telecommunications Loans Program AccountEnergy supply$1,331,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Telephone Bank Program AccountArea and regional development$12,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Water and Waste Disposal Program AccountArea and regional development-$11,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Water and Waste Disposal Program AccountArea and regional development$83,000,000$0
Rural Utilities ServiceRural Water and Waste Disposal Program AccountArea and regional development$522,000,000$0
Undistributed Offsetting ReceiptsInterest on Investments in Public Debt Securities, AMSInterest received by on-budget trust funds-$1,000,000$0


National Agricultural Statistics Service

NASS serves the basic agricultural and rural data needs of the country by providing objective, important and accurate statistical information and services to farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and public officials. This data is vital to [...]

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

NIFA’s mission is to invest in and advance agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges. NIFA’s investments in transformative science directly support the long-term prosperity and global preeminence of U.S. agriculture. [...]

Risk Management Agency

RMA helps to ensure that farmers have the financial tools necessary to manage their agricultural risks. RMA provides coverage through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, which promotes national welfare by improving the economic stability [...]

Rural Business-Cooperative Service

RBS offers programs to help businesses grow as well as job training for people living in rural areas. These programs help provide the capital, training, education and entrepreneurial skills that can help people living [...]

Rural Development

RD helps rural areas to develop and grow by offering Federal assistance that improves quality of life. RD targets communities in need and then empowers them with financial and technical resources. [...]

Rural Housing Service

RHS offers a variety of programs to build or improve housing and essential community facilities in rural areas. RHS offers loans, grants and loan guarantees for single- and multi-family housing, child care centers, fire [...]

Rural Utilities Service

RUS provides financing to build or improve infrastructure in rural communities. This includes water and waste treatment, electric power and telecommunications services. These services help expand economic opportunities and improve the quality of life [...]